plastic cement mould group

Plastic mould plastic cement mould group

The plastic mold is an abbreviation for a combined mold for compression molding, extrusion molding, injection molding, blow molding and low foam molding. The coordinated changes of the mold convex and concave molds and the auxiliary forming system can process a series of plastic parts of different shapes and sizes.
Plastic molds are the mother of industry, and now the release of new products will involve plastics.

Plastic mould  structure

The utility model mainly comprises a concave mold having a variable cavity formed by a die combination substrate, a die assembly and a die combination card, and a punch combination substrate, a punch assembly, a punch combination card, a cavity cutting component and A punch having a variable core composed of a side cut composite panel.
In order to improve the performance of plastics, various auxiliary materials such as fillers, plasticizers, lubricants, stabilizers, colorants and the like are added to the polymer to become a good plastic.
1. Synthetic resin is the most important component of plastics, and its content in plastics is generally 40% to 100%. Because of the high content and the nature of the resin often determines the nature of the plastic, resin is often considered synonymous with plastic. For example, a mixture of polyvinyl chloride resin and polyvinyl chloride plastic, phenolic resin and phenolic plastic. In fact, resin and plastic are two different concepts. Resin is a raw, unprocessed polymer that is used not only in the manufacture of plastics, but also as a raw material for coatings, adhesives, and synthetic fibers. In addition to a small part of plastic containing 100% resin, most plastics, in addition to the main component resin, need to add other substances. 2, filler filler, also known as filler, it can improve the strength and heat resistance of plastics, and reduce costs. For example, the addition of wood powder to phenolic resin can greatly reduce the cost, making phenolic plastic one of the cheapest plastics, while also significantly improving mechanical strength. Fillers can be divided into organic fillers and inorganic fillers, such as wood powder, rags, paper and various fabric fibers, such as glass fiber, diatomaceous earth, asbestos, carbon black and so on.
3. Plasticizer Plasticizer can increase the plasticity and softness of plastics, reduce brittleness, and make plastics easy to process. Plasticizers are generally miscible, non-toxic, odorless, high-boiling organic compounds that are stable to light and heat, and the most commonly used are phthalates. For example, when producing polyvinyl chloride plastic, if you add more plasticizer, you can get soft PVC plastic. If you don’t add or add plasticizer (<10%), you can get rigid PVC plastic. .
4. Stabilizer In order to prevent the synthetic resin from being decomposed and destroyed by the action of light and heat during processing and use, and prolonging the service life, a stabilizer should be added to the plastic. Commonly used are stearates, epoxy resins and the like.
5, coloring agent coloring agent can make plastics have a variety of bright, beautiful colors. Organic dyes and inorganic pigments are commonly used as colorants.
6. The function of the lubricant lubricant is to prevent the plastic from sticking to the metal mold during molding, and at the same time, the surface of the plastic can be smooth and beautiful. Commonly used lubricants are stearic acid and its calcium and magnesium salts. In addition to the above-mentioned auxiliary agents, a flame retardant, a foaming agent, an antistatic agent and the like may be added to the plastic.

Plastic mould considerations

First, do not only focus on product design, ignoring the manufacture of plastic molds.
Some users tend to focus on product development and development when developing products or new products, and neglect communication with plastic mold making units. After the product design plan is initially determined, there are two advantages to contacting the mold manufacturer in advance:
1. It can ensure that the designed product has a good forming process and will not modify the stereotyped design because the part is difficult to process.
2, the mold maker can make design preparation in advance to prevent inconvenience in the rush, affecting the construction period.
3, the production of high-quality plastic molds, only the close cooperation between the supply and demand, in order to ultimately reduce costs and shorten the cycle.
Second, don’t just look at the price, we must consider all aspects of quality, cycle and service.
1. There are many types of molds, which can be roughly divided into ten categories. According to the different requirements of parts materials, physical and chemical properties, mechanical strength, dimensional accuracy, surface finish, service life, economy, etc., different types of mold forming are selected.
2. The mold with high precision requires the use of high-precision CNC machine tools, and the mold material and forming process have strict requirements. CAD / CAE / CAM mold technology is also needed to design and analyze.
3, some parts have special requirements due to molding, the mold also needs to use hot runner, gas-assisted molding, nitrogen cylinder and other advanced technology.
4, manufacturers should have CNC, EDM, wire cutting machine and CNC copy milling equipment, high-precision grinding machine, high-precision three-coordinate measuring instrument, computer design and related software.
5, the general large-scale stamping dies (such as automotive cover parts mold) should consider whether the machine tool has a crimping mechanism, even side lubricants, multi-station grade and so on. In addition to punching tonnage, it is necessary to consider the punching, feeding device, machine tool and mold protection device.
6. The manufacturing methods and processes of the above molds are not available and mastered by every enterprise. When choosing a collaborative manufacturer, you must understand its processing capabilities, not only look at hardware equipment, but also combine management level, processing experience and technical strength.
7, for the same set of molds, different manufacturers sometimes have a big gap. You should not pay more than the cost of the mold, and should not be less than the cost of the mold. Mold manufacturers, like you, have to make a reasonable profit in the business. Ordering a set of molds with much lower quotations can be a hassle to start. Users must proceed from their own requirements and comprehensively measure them.
Third, avoid multi-headed collaboration, try to make plastic mold production and product processing one-stop.
1. With qualified molds (test pieces qualified), it is not always possible to produce batches of qualified products. This is mainly related to the selection of the machine tool for the part, the forming process (forming temperature, forming time, etc.) and the technical quality of the operator.
2, with a good mold, but also have a good forming process, it is best to work together, try to avoid long-term collaboration. If the conditions are not met, it is necessary to choose a party to be fully responsible, and be sure to write clearly when ordering the contract.

Plastic mould management

First, effective management of product data management, process data management, drawing document management: effective mold product data management, process data management, drawing document management, can ensure the comprehensiveness of the document, the consistency of the drawing version; Drawings can be effectively shared and validated for use. A complete file management computer database can be established, and the design drawings accumulated by the design department, scattered, and previously scattered and isolated information can be collected and used to prevent 2d, 3d confusion, original, set, and maintenance versions due to design drawings. Confusion, 3d model and 2d drawing data inconsistency, 2d drawing design is not standardized, chaotic and cause problems are not easy to be discovered and corrected in time, resulting in mold modification and rework, or even invalid, increase mold manufacturing costs, lengthen mold manufacturing Production cycle, affecting the period.
Second, to maintain the consistency and integrity of the plastic mold drawings, processing technology, and physical data: through the effective, meticulous, and rigorous testing methods to ensure the consistency and integrity of the mold drawings, processing technology.
Third, the design and manufacturing cost of each plastic mold must be summed up in time: effectively control the scrapping of the tool by effectively controlling the work order of the workshop; through accurate mold structure design, efficient mold part processing and accurate The inspection of spare parts will effectively reduce the additional cost of the mold due to the change and maintenance, so as to obtain the actual cost of each set of molds and effectively control the quality of the mold.
Fourth, overall planning: organically organize and integrate information such as planning, design, processing technology, workshop production, and human resources for overall coordination, thereby effectively coordinating planning and production, effectively ensuring the quality of plastic molds and delivering on time.
Fifth, develop a complete and practical plastic mold production management system: develop a complete mold production management system, realize product information management, process data management, plan management, schedule management computer information management of mold production management process The system, including plastic mold production planning, mold design, process development, shop task assignment and product inspection, warehouse management, etc., enables mold manufacturing and related auxiliary information to be fully tracked and managed from planning to completion.

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